PRaDS is Now shippingPRaDS is now available and shipping. The software is on the Android Market, the Sensor pack is available by emailing Please contact us at 224-633-1261 for details. NPSNPS or NORM processing System, provides Fracking waste processors a reliable and economical way to accutately measure and track TENORM levels against accepted NORM levels in your operating area. NPS is now available and shipping. Please contact us at 224-633-1261 for details.
Exigent Security Products, Inc. your partner in advanced security solutions.Latest News!
What's New!
ESP is proud to have been selected to provide Radiological sensor systems for an iconic National Medical Facility. Our Detection systems provide fast accurate and reliable operation required for this demanding installation.
ESP has just packaged a system to address the needs of processing facilities for those involved in Shale Fracking Operations. The NORM Processing System, NPS, is a combination of tools design to provide fast, accurate and reliable tracking and measurement of radiation associated with the operation of a Shale Fracking site. This system combines reliable measurement tools, handling equipment and database systems to track and manage samples in a fraction of the time required by conventional Labs. this allows higher throughput of materials at your facility and lower overall operating costs.
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Introducing Exigent Security Products, Inc.: ESP Sensors
Exigent Security Products, Inc., is a new, dynamic homeland security technology company specializing in the engineering, development and marketing of Chemical Detection, Radiological Detection, Nuclear Detection and CyberSecurity and alert systems for a wide variety of industries. With proven solutions for air, ground and sea transportation; hospitals and medical facilities; public storage; military installations; government facilities; retail and commercial spaces, the company offers an efficient, economical solution for industries vulnerable to CBRNE-enabled mishaps or full-scale attack. The company’s initial product offerings include a sophisticated series of gamma radiation detectors and hand held chemical sensors, providing a powerful, integrated solution. Advanced software allows for seamless deployment and command and control of sensors using sensor communications interfaces.
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